Essential Skills in Demand to fill Gaps with area Employers (EDGE) is an initiative that is focused on working adults who have untapped potential. The program will identify and improve these competencies in a flexible and focused format that will help clear the path to better opportunities. By doing this, employers also gain a stronger workforce.
Soft skills are in demand by employers. The lack of soft skills (communication, time management, conflict resolution, etc.) has been cited over and over as a hindrance for businesses to both hire and promote workers. Those workers who have acquired these workplace competencies are the ones with the edge over others. The EDGE training pathway provides:
- Competency-based skill assessments to identify the specific skills that need developed.
- Training that is focused and accomplished in boot camp style for maximum impact.
- Scheduling that is flexible to accommodate current life and work demands.
- A professional mentor to help encourage and guide progress.
- A completion credential that will get noticed.
The Chamber currently hosts two cohorts a year - spring and fall. If you are interested in having an employee participate in this program, contact the Chamber.
The EDGE Program is offered twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. If you are interested in participating, or have an employee that may benefit, please contact Courtney Glock for more information.